Jesus prayed this prayer found in John 17 for
those who did not know him and it reveals that Jesus does pray for those who
are currently unsaved, but, someday, Jesus hopes they will be. This shows that God cares for the unsaved.
God hears the prayers of all people, so he
certainly hears the prayers of those who do not have a relationship with him.
He is looking for the same things in the prayers
of an unsaved person as in the saved person—sincerity, love, humility, desire.
God may even answer the prayers of the unsaved,
all with the purpose that they may be united with God.
The reason for answering those prayers is the
same for either the saved or the unsaved. He wants all people to grow closer to
God does not answer prayer just to be answering
prayers like an online service center.
Ultimately, he wants to deepen the connection between
the unsaved and Himself so that they know he exists and that he loves them
deeply. Answering a prayer may be what
is needed to convince the person of those truths.