I found this description from The Christian Research Institute (
www.equip.org) of the many different thoughts out there today.
- New Atheism – a dogmatic declaration that there is no God or the supernatural, and all religion is harmful and must be eliminated from society.
- Naturalism – everything is explainable in terms of physics and chemistry and God is irrelevant.
- Pragmatism – truth is reducible to what works, and the ends justifies the means.
- Relativism – there’s no such thing as absolute truth, so what’s true for you is not necessarily true for me.
- Subjectivism – It’s the way I feel about it that makes it so.
- Egoism – I am the center of my world and everyone else’s too.
- Fundamentalism – unwarranted dogmatism and exclusivism, whether of a conservative or liberal variety.
- Religious Pluralism – all religions lead to God and are equally viable.
- Christian Inclusivism – Jesus is the only true Lord and Savior, but explicity faith in Jesus is not necessary for salvation because many religious paths lead to Jesus.
- Cultism – pseudo-Christian organizations or movements that claim to be Christian but compromise, confuse or contradict essential historic orthodox Christian doctrine or practice.
Which one is right?
Jesusism. It says:
- There is one God.
- There is one truth. It's found in the 66 books of the Bible.
- Man is selfish.
- His works are sinful and break God's laws.
- God loves us.
- However, God separates himself from man because of man's sin.
- Jesus is God.
- Jesus came to earth to die for our sins, as a sacrifice, paying the price of our sinfulness.
- Jesus rose again from the dead to prove he was God and to show he had the power over death.
- We must accept what Jesus did in order for our sins to be forgiven and so we can have a relationship once again with God.
- That relationship will extend throughout eternity.