Before he had finished praying, Rebekah came out with her jar on her shoulder. She was the daughter of Bethuel son of Milcah, who was the wife of Abraham’s brother Nahor. The girl was very beautiful, a virgin; no man had ever lain with her. She went down to the spring, filled her jar and came up again. Genesis 24:12-16
This is a tough, Catch-22 quandary. Certainly I would tell
my wife, “You are the only one for me” but is that true? Abraham’s servant
found a wife for Isaac by praying and God brought the perfect girl to him. Is God’s job matchmaking?
There is no promise in the Bible that God has that one ideal
person out there waiting for us. It’s not that our souls are incomplete puzzle
pieces and only one match will complete it. Actually out of millions and
millions of choices the odds are that you can find one or more people to be
compatible with you. Many lose a spouse and remarry, revealing that
probability. Even Abraham remarried after Sarah died.
The key is compatibility and commitment. Find that one
person you get along with and commit to them and only them. Don’t wonder if
“this is the one and only one” God has created for you. Commit to one person for the length of your
life. They are now your one and only.
Others may come along and seem like a good fit, but if you’ve
committed your life to another person, then it’s wrong. Some are only a good fit at a particularly
time in your life, fulfilling a need you have right then, but in the long run
they could cause nothing but trouble.
As for the divorced, God is all about redeeming a bad
situation and making it good. If two
people divorce, seek God’s forgiveness and learn from their previous decisions,
then God could certainly bless a second marriage.
God influences hearts and creates opportunities for two to
meet, but he’s not all about people getting married for the sake of marriage.
He primarily wants two individuals to display in their
relationship God’s love for us and they show their love for one another.