God’s time clock is
different from ours.
We think of ourselves
and our own little world.
God sees the whole
world simultaneously, the pain they are enduring now and the pain they may have
to face for eternity.
We see time in seconds,
minutes and hours. God sees years, decades, millenniums (as well as seconds,
minutes and hours).
The promise of Jesus’
return is not too slow or too fast, but right on schedule.
God wants as many
people as possible to get into heaven, because when Jesus cries “Time’s up”, it
will be final and complete. There will
be no turning back.
It’s good for others
that Jesus does not come back today, but hard on those who cannot wait to be
rid of this world and enter into eternity.
We need to have God’s
heart in this situation and adopt his calendar. We need to know that every minute around the
world, another person puts their faith in God and eternity is secured in their
The time of Jesus’
return is coming and it will happen sooner than you think.