Spring Feasts
- PASSOVER: 14th day of the first month (March/April). Remembering when God freed them from Egypt and death passed over the homes of those who had the flawless male lamb’s blood on their doorframe.
- UNLEAVENED BREAD: the day after Passover (March/April). Remembering the urgency of the Israelites as they walked away from Egypt and God delivered them. Leaven represented sin, the yeast that affects the dough.
- FIRST FRUITS: The morning after the Sabbath (March/April). Worshipping God for the fertility of the land and the planting of crops.
- PENTECOST: The morning after the seventh week or 50 days (May/June). Worshipping God for the Summer harvest. Thanking God for receiving the 10 Commandments.
- TRUMPETS: Seventh month on the first day (September). Calling together of a holy assembly.
- DAY OF ATONEMENT/YOM KIPPUR: Seventh month on the tenth day (September). A day of confession and the scapegoat is released in the wild.
- TABERNACLES: Seventh month on the 15th day. Celebrating that God provided shelter for his people in the wilderness. Harvest is brought in.
- PASSOVER: Jesus celebrated Passover and turned it into communion, saying that the blood that causes death to pass over our lives is his blood, the blood of a sinless man. Technically, Jesus was crucified on the morning after the Passover celebration, so it was Passover. On that day we are freed from our sin.
- UNLEAVENED BREAD: Jesus died to take away our sins.
- FIRST FRUITS: Jesus rose from the dead, being the “first fruits”, the first of the harvest of resurrected souls. (1 Corinthians 15:20)
- PENTECOST: Peter preached and thousands were saved. The church began harvesting people for Christ. Jesus came to confirm the law of Moses and the Prophets.
- TRUMPETS: A trumpet will sound, one day, indicating the final coming of the king, Jesus Christ.
- DAY OF ATONEMENT: Because of our confession and realization of our sins and the acknowledgement of Christ’s sacrifice for our sins, we are at-one with God.
- TABERNACLES: Jesus Christ provides a shelter for our lives, protecting us from the outside wilderness. Heaven will contain the eternal tabernacle, where we will be brought in, harvested, forever.