We saw the Nephilim there (the descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim). We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them.” Numbers 11:33
“Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.” Luke 24:39
Some think that these Nephilim were
offspring of relationships between demons and human women. This cannot be so.
Demons are spirits and do not have the capability to produce offspring (no
flesh, bones, genitalia, sperm). If angels could reproduce, where are the baby
angels or female angels? All angels are referred to as men (masculine).
God made humans very special and
unique. By giving demons the ability to procreate, we are making angels and demons
more like man and less unique from the rest of creation.
If angel and demons procreate, then the
angelic community is growing and never dies. How crowded can the heavenly realm
become after all these years? Matthew 22:30 says angels do not marry or have
relationships like we do. So this cannot
be so.
The concept of demons having
relationships with human women comes from an ancient book called The Book of
Enoch (2nd Century BC), not from the Bible. It’s more mythology than theology.
If demons can still have relationships
with humans, are those descendants still around today? Is this kind of
procreation still happening today? Who’s to say you aren’t the grandchild of a
demon/human? Scary thought.
That brings up another question – could
those descendants be saved? Jesus came to save those from the line of Adam.
Demons create new lines of genealogy. Are they a part of God’s plan or apart
from God’s plan?
If demons create spiritual births, then
Jesus being born of the virgin Mary is really not that special. He wasn’t the
first to have a spiritual father.
Also, if God’s purpose for the flood was
to wipe out the race of demon/human offspring, then God failed, since they
showed up again in the book of Numbers (11:33), after the flood. That means that the Nephilim were not a race
of people, but a type of people (warrior-like tough guys).
The Nephilim were large, imposing men
(some say giants, but not in the sense of mythology) who were warriors and
fighters. In this passage these Nephilim were the “sons of God” from the godly
line of Seth. The root of the word “Nephilim” means “fallen.” So these fallen
warriors from the godly line of Seth set out to take as their wives the
“daughters of men”, descendants of Cain. The godly line was being compromised. Righteousness was starting to slip away.
God had a very specific plan to save
the world through a righteous line of people and the time table for that began
to run out as the Nephilim-like bullies began to have their own way and
marrying outside their line. Noah was the only righteous family left.
After Noah, God used a tactic of
separating the nations. He called Abraham to become a nation that would not
have relationships with outsiders. God protected that Messianic line from
powerful enemies through people like Isaac, Jacob, Moses, the Judges, all the
way to David, whose genealogical line would produce the most righteous king to
ever live—Jesus.