He had a dream in which he saw a stairway resting on the earth, with its top reaching to heaven, and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it. Genesis 28:12
Jacob had a dream of the original “stairway to heaven” while in the area of modern day Israel. God wanted to reassure him in three areas.
1) COVENANT – Jacob receives confirmation through this vision that the covenant will now be fulfilled through him. His descendants will be numerous and spread through the world. God promises to be with him, as He was with his grandfather Abraham and his father Isaac, and to return him to this land.
2) LOCATION – This vision reveals the place and location of future Israel and possibly the precise location of the temple, where heaven God will spiritually descend into the Temple (Old Testament) and in the flesh as Jesus Christ (New Testament).
3) CONNECTION – This vision shows the connection between heaven and earth. God’s presence and His protective armies of angels are ample, with fresh troops and constant communication occurring between the two. We are not alone. God will commute between heaven and earth on a regular basis.