Yes and no. Remember, Jesus was born
with a dual nature – God and man. We are born with one nature – man.
Satan had no chance to tempt Jesus the
God. He had a chance to tempt Jesus as man.
Satan hoped to sneak in through Jesus’
humanity and cause him to stumble, finding those weaknesses all humans have.
Temptation #1: Humanity desires food and fleshy comforts. Satan tried to tempt Jesus into eating after
Jesus had committed to a spiritual fast.
(Matthew 4:1-4)
Temptation #2: Humanity wants to prove itself and show off its
Satan tried to tempt Jesus into showing off his power and asking him to jump
off the temple so the angels could catch him.
(Matthew 4:5-7)
Temptation #3: Humanity wants power to rule the world. Satan tried to tempt
Jesus into leading some simple kingdoms of the world. (Matthew 4:8-10)
All these temptations echo the same
temptations of the Garden of Eden. Satan
tempted Eve to eat and satisfy her hunger.
Satan told Eve she wouldn’t die just like he told Jesus he wouldn’t die if
he jumped. Satan lied to Eve and said
she could have power, like God.
Satan retried all those temptations on Jesus.
It all failed.
Jesus could have sinned as man, but did
not because he was God.