Sometimes we can “feel” forgiven. There is a sense of relief that a once broken relationship is now amended. Separation is a painful feeling and reunion is wonderful. But that doesn’t mean we can tell we’re forgiven because we feel forgiven.
Forgiveness is knowledge, not emotions. You have to “know” you are forgiven. Forgiveness only comes when the offended party tells you that you are forgiven. The Bible says:
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9
If we CONFESS, God will FORGIVE and we will be CLEANSED from any unrighteous act that have come between us and God. This is not a rule created by the guilty to appease the situation, but an offering by God, the offended, to us, the offenders, to receive His forgiveness.
You may not “feel” forgiven, but you can know you are forgiven.