Even if thou wert to bring to the people of the Book all the Signs (together), they would not follow Thy Qibla; nor art thou going to follow their Qibla; nor indeed will they follow each other’s Qibla. If thou after the knowledge hath reached thee, Wert to follow their (vain) desires,-then wert thou Indeed (clearly) in the wrong. The people of the Book know this as they know their own sons; but some of them conceal the truth which they themselves know. Surah 2:145-146
The Koran claims conspiracy on the part of the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) and says they were told about qibla (the direction a Muslim must pray towards Mecca, a city in Saudi Arabia) but they have concealed the truth.
The People of the Book followed the New Testament which was written 600 years before the Koran. Mecca was not known for its importance when the Bible was written, so how could they know about qibla?
The Bible could not cover up something it, nor most of the known world, knew anything about.
What possible explanation is there for Christians to cover up the qibla?
Mankind were one community, and Allah sent (unto them) prophets as bearers of good tidings and as warners, and revealed therewith the Scripture with the truth that it might judge between mankind concerning that wherein they differed. And only those unto whom (the Scripture) was given differed concerning it, after clear proofs had come unto them, through hatred one of another. And Allah by His Will guided those who believe unto the truth of that concerning which they differed. Allah guideth whom He will unto a straight path. Surah 2:213
So because of hatred toward one another, the Christians covered up. . .the qibla? Covering up the direction one must pray does not seem like a conspiracy. There are other greater truths that conspirators should go after. However, the Koran and history experts offer no clear proof that Islam and qibla were around before the Bible was written. Mecca itself, historically, was not a significant city around the time of Jesus.