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Will we ever understand God’s wrath?

See, the storm of the Lord
    will burst out in wrath,
a driving wind swirling down
    on the heads of the wicked.
The fierce anger of the Lord will not turn back
    until he fully accomplishes
    the purposes of his heart.
In days to come
    you will understand this.
Jeremiah 30:23-24
            The Bible says we will understand God’s wrath one day, when we see Him face-to-face and experience His holiness firsthand. We will also understand our sinfulness as most people in the Bible do when they see God (Moses, Isaiah).  They experience His holiness, fall to pieces and see why God is so mad at them.
He's mad at our proclivity to choose sin in every situation and that choice pulls them away from a relationship with Him.
            Right now, we rationalize our sins – we blame earth, our parents, temptation, the devil – but it’s our choices.  We must own them and not try to push the blame on others.
            Those in hell most likely understand why they are there because too have experienced the holiness of God and see their sinfulness for what it is.

            But at that time of judgment, while we understand the wrath of God, we will also understand the grace and mercy of God too in a way we can’t quite understand here on earth.