God made it clear in Genesis 17 that circumcision was a sign of the covenant, a signature on the dotted line agreeing to the contract. It was a physical agreement to the promises God made to Abraham to create a great nation. In the time of Noah and the tower of Babel, humanity spread evil when they were all together. Now God needed to separate a group from the rest and make a specific contract with them. He chose Abraham to begin that process.
Circumcision is symbolic.
- It is a fleshy reminder of a spiritual promise.
- It signifies a legacy, since it is the porthole of future children.
- It signifies righteousness, since it can be abused for unrighteousness.
- It is a branding, indicating who one belongs to.
It is also the slicing away of an unnecessary part of the body, just as our sinful flesh should be circumcised (cut away from our lives) when we received Christ. When we are circumcised of the heart, we are cutting away the unnecessary worldly matters that corrupt our allegiance to God.
So circumcision is unnecessary today. It was instituted as a practice to point to a spiritual truth. Today when we ask Jesus “into our heart” we are removing the instincts of the flesh and inviting in the matters of the spirit.