Anyone who reads their astrological
forecast, consults a palm reader, goes to a séance or reads a book about a guy
who talks to the dead is saying that there are spirits and practices outside
the Lord that control or know our destiny. Those that follow those practices
are really saying that God shares his power with these spirits or that God
doesn’t exist at all.
Astrology believes the alignment of
stars or the day and month of our birth has some kind of influence over people’s
day or foreknowledge of that day’s events.
The truth is most astrologers make that
stuff up.
Why does it seem that some astrological
predictions come true? When someone has
their forecast read, their minds are ready to make that forecast come
true. It comes true because they want it
to come true to prove that it is true.
Many of the things written in an
astrology are vague. “You will have a
difficult day.” Everyone faces something
every day that is difficult. “You will
find happiness.” Everyone can find
something to make them happy every day.
If it’s vague and not specific, a person can fill in the specifics and
make it sound true.
Also, if you read five forecasts and one
comes true, it will seem that astrology works.
We are only believing the odds and chances, not the real truth.
Only God knows the future. Only God
controls the events of this world. Only God has our best interests in mind. Not the stars.
So it is wrong to take part in any kind
of astrology, palm reading, tarot card reading or fortune telling.