Yes, but jealousy is not always a sin.
Sometimes it leads to sin, especially if the jealous one is a slave to his/her
emotions and lashes out with hatred.
If a husband sees his wife kissing
another man, he gets jealous, but rightfully so. The relationship with his wife
has been compromised. Trust is broken.
When God sees us bowing to other gods
in this world, he gets jealous. He knows he is the best God for us. He knows
the other gods will lead us astray and hurt us.
God does so much for us that it
troubles him that we go elsewhere for comfort. He knows we are safe when we
give our love to him.
But God is not a slave to his emotions,
ruled by powerful feelings of revenge. That’s when jealousy goes wrong. Humans
get jealous because they’ve been hurt, our self-esteem trampled.
God gets jealous because he knows we’ll
get hurt. He does not think less of himself like we do when we get jealous. He actually thinks more about us!
God reacts passionately and justifiably.
Jealousy shows the level of passion one
has for another. God is jealous because he’s madly in love with us.
We should be more concerned if God
wasn’t jealous.