Religion is a manmade organization with
its own set of rules, laws or expectations it feels are the best way to get
close to God. For Jewish men during the time of the apostle Paul, it was
expected that they be circumcised to fulfill Jewish laws. Today, a “religious”
person goes to church, gives a little when the offering plate is passed and
prays when convenient.
A religious person does what his
religion tells him to do.
Now, there are many religions out there
with their own beliefs that vary from Catholic to Pentecostal, Muslim to
Mormon. So if someone says they are religious and following all the laws their
religion expects them to follow, it doesn’t mean they are doing the right
A religion isn’t always right.
A relationship, though, is a connection
between two people based on love, trust and acceptance. The motives are based
on a heart decision. In a religion, people are trying to appease the
organization, getting their praise from men. In a relationship, they focus on
the person they have a bond with.
When it comes to a spiritual
relationship, our focus should be on the one we have a relationship with…God…and
fulfill all the things he requires because we love him.
If you are going through all the
motions and talking the talk on the outside, but if there is no change to you
on the inside, it’s all for nothing. The change needs to come from within one’s
heart, not just in one’s actions.