Some people prefer to sin over accepting Christ as their savior
from sin, but hell isn’t communicated as a vacation for anyone, hanging out
with other sin-lovers, away from all these goody-two-shoe, holy-rollers.
Every description of hell includes the phrase “weeping and
gnashing of teeth.” This is a sad state
of despair, excruciatingly painful, filled with deep anxiety.
So people don’t find contentment there, but the question asks whether
people would prefer hell over heaven. Here on earth, people get away with sin,
finding some temporary pleasure in it. In
hell, it does not appear to be the case. A criminal can enjoy his crime spree, but once
in prison, the consequence of his sin, it’s not so much fun.
Hell is communicated as prison, where, like our earthly prisons,
the punishment is separation and isolation.
In Luke 16, the story of the rich man and Lazarus, the rich man
wants to keep his brothers from entering hell, so there must be something about
it that’s undesirable. The rich man
knows he won’t be hanging out with them and having a party.
While the Bible never describes God inflicting pain on
unbelievers, some say the “torture” of hell is being away from God and others.
Hell won’t be enjoyable.
There’s a big difference between hell and heaven.