Then the angel said to me, “Write: ‘Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!’ “ And he added, “These are the true words of God.” Revelation 19:9
When Jesus talks about who will be invited and receive
the invitation into heaven, it is described as a wedding banquet (Matthew 22).
In Revelation, it is called the wedding supper, when
the bride (the church) meets the groom (Jesus) face to face.
Our heavenly bodies must be able to consume and digest
food. Jesus, in his resurrected body,
made a fish dinner for his apostles (John 21) so we know the heavenly body can
eat food.
So food and heaven are linked in the Bible. However,
that doesn’t mean we will eat whatever we want. Heaven isn’t a buffet for
eternity, but a place where our needs are satisfied.
Everything there will be perfect for us, taste the
best it ever tasted and we will never worry about getting overweight because
our bodies will burn everything as it should, nothing in heaven will be
processed or fatty and we won’t overeat because of emotional issues.