Yes, they are still God’s people. God had a very
specific plan for them. He used them to create a nation that would host the
Messiah, the promised one, Jesus Christ. God needed a nation to display His
power for 1,400 years.
But that does not mean they are his favorite or
the only people group that he cares about.
Before Jesus departed, he commissioned his
followers to go to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth. . .to
all people.
In Acts 2, during the miraculous speaking in
tongues, all nations were represented in the speech of the people, which was
telling the eyewitnesses to take the Gospel everywhere.
In the book of Revelation, we see God's
perspective change from seven churches in the region of Asia and away from the
temple in Israel, which was judged for its disobedience and their crucifixion
of Jesus Christ.
The destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD by the
Romans ended the temple's dominance as God's address. God shifted his focus to the local
The Bible is not just about Jews and Israel.
It’s about God loving THE WORLD and sending his son to die for everyone.
Who today would be considered God’s people?